SMEs Urged to take advantage of the East African Community Trade Fair

The 21st East African Community MSMEs Trade Fair will be taking place in December 2021 in Mwanza Tanzania. EAC MSMEs Trade Fair is aimed at promoting cross-border trade, non-tariff barriers, and the region’s streamlined trade system. 

MSMEs in Kenya have been urged to take advantage of the fair and showcase their products. 

Kenya is hosting the meeting between December 9 until 19 through the MSEA. 

The Micro and Small Enterprise Act No. 55 of 2012 established MSEA as a state entity.

It is in charge of developing and coordinating policies that will make it easier to integrate and harmonize numerous public and private sector initiatives for the promotion, development, and regulation of Micro and Small Enterprises in order for them to become vital industries of the future.

The trade also covers product value addition, SQMT (Standards, Quality Assurance, Metrology, and Testing), EAC Integration Process benefits and opportunities for SMEs, EAC Rules of Origin, and MSMEs and MSE development and opportunities.