An app giving Landlords more flexibility and control.
Rent-Rahisi is a unified property management application software that has been in use by tech-savvy and self-managing property owners in Kenya since Mid-2017.

The app was created to assist property owners in keeping rent collection, upkeep, and tenant retention under control. It has evolved to assist landlords in cost-cutting by automating rent collection, tenant management, and property maintenance. According to the creators, Rent-Rahisi reduces property management costs by up to 60% in money alone for only 20,000 per year.
With the demand for good and reasonably priced housing increasing by the day, a landlord needs to budget for key property maintenance to achieve 100% occupancy, and greater, predictable rental profits.
What landlords can do with Rent-Rahisi
Landlords who use the Rent-Rahisi app can send unified bills, reminders, messages, and receipts via SMS and Email from anywhere on their phones, tablets, or laptops, saving time and money.
When their site is linked to a pay bill number with bank settlement, the process is simplified because the app reconciles and receives all mobile money payments without their involvement.
They can use the app to see renters who haven’t paid their rent, generate and store gross and net-rent payment statements, and keep track of their financial records for real-time decision-making.
They can bargain for a better price in the future if they want to sell or acquire financing with their homes because they have certified payment records from the past and present.
The software’s reports are available in Excel and PDF formats, as well as printable.

The software comes with several computer-based users accounts for landlords with multiple tenants or developments to enable unified property management. A caretaker account, a cashier, and a field officer account are available in addition to the landlord’s admin account.
Each of these alternative accounts has its own set of responsibilities. When M-Pesa paybill integrations are not active, the cashier is in charge of billing and receipt. The field officer on the other hand is in charge of tenant placement, release, and receipt collection. The caretaker may be in charge of automated water utility reading entry.
The landlord has complete control over his or her team’s operations and can withdraw these powers at any time.
If a landlord has an agent or property manager, they can create an account for them in their portal and specify do’s and don’ts for them, such as not editing tenant information, viewing unoccupied houses alone, or only dealing with tenants who have not paid their rent.
This guarantees that the agent or property manager follows through on the agreed-upon quotas and that you only pay for what they deliver.
When a landlord has an account but wishes to delegate many of the administrative tasks to the property manager, they may choose which records they wish to see via their new landlord interface, maintaining complete transparency.
This flexibility means that competent management is maintained even if the landlord chooses to hire another agency, property manager, or in-house employee.
Where a landlord wishes to appoint and add an agent or property manager to their portal, they can re/negotiate for cheaper management costs because the app can do the majority of the work for the property manager/agent efficiently and at a lesser cost.
To succeed in the rental industry, every rental property investor, manager, or agent requires tenant management and a rent recording app.